Become one of our luxe gift sponsors! This gains you extra exposure at the event as you provide a generous offering and share about your business at the same time. We have had gifts ranging from bath salts and gourmet cookies for each donated event tickets, workshops, memberships, or gift certificates for the lucky winners of our raffle.
Gift sponsors are also featured again in our follow-up newsletter to all WCG subscribers and attendees, past and present. Interested? Simply fill out the Collaborator Information Form.
I’ll be in touch soon to let you know about ticket sales -I look forward to seeing you at the Harris Center
P.S. If you're looking for a place to begin your mindset work, then I invite you to join me over at the Listen For REAL podcast, where I show up weekly to have candid conversations with guests.
And make sure you're on my mailing list to be first to hear about upcoming events!